Phishing Attacks on the Rise

Individuals and businesses targeted by increasingly sophisticated deception tactics.


Attackers Adapt and Evolve

Phishing campaigns now mimic trusted sources and exploit remote work vulnerabilities.


Defense Requires Vigilance

Employee training, technical safeguards, and a shift in mindset are essential.

Company Articles > Cyber-Security
by Kevin Wood

Phishing Attacks Surge: Businesses and Individuals Face A Rising Tide of Cyber Deception



Remote workers under attack

Phishing attacks, a sinister form of social engineering, are on a dramatic upswing, targeting businesses and individuals alike. These deceptive tactics, which trick victims into revealing sensitive information or downloading malware, continue to evolve in sophistication and pose a significant risk to digital assets and personal data.

Traditionally, phishing attacks relied on poorly crafted emails with misspelled words, urgent pleas from unknown “princes,” and blatant attempts to mimic legitimate businesses. However, today’s phishing campaigns are becoming increasingly difficult to spot. Attackers carefully research their targets, crafting emails that appear to come from trusted colleagues, vendors, or familiar brands. They use sophisticated techniques to hide malicious links and attachments, making even the most cautious users vulnerable.

The rise of phishing attacks is fueled by several factors:


  • Remote Work Expansion: The shift to remote work has blurred the lines between personal and professional devices, creating new opportunities for attackers.
  • Cloud Service Reliance: More businesses are using cloud-based tools, making phishing attacks that target login credentials for these services highly effective.
  • Ease of Execution: Phishing attacks are relatively low-cost and scalable for cybercriminals, requiring minimal technical expertise.
  • High Success Rate: Unfortunately, even with increased awareness, phishing still succeeds due to human error and ever-evolving tactics.

The consequences of a successful phishing attack can be severe:


  • Financial Loss: Hackers can drain bank accounts, make fraudulent purchases, or initiate unauthorized wire transfers.
  • Ransomware Infections: Phishing is often the initial entry point for ransomware, crippling systems and demanding payment.
  • Data Breaches: Stolen login credentials can be used to access company networks, leading to the theft of sensitive data.
  • Reputational Damage: A phishing attack that compromises customers’ data or disrupts operations can destroy trust in a business.

The pervasive reach of phishing attacks demands a multi-faceted defense strategy. Organizations and individuals alike must prioritize:


  • Employee Awareness Training: Regular, engaging training is essential to educate employees about the latest phishing tactics, encouraging them to think before they click.
  • Technical Safeguards: Email filtering, spam blockers, and multi-factor authentication provide layers of protection.
  • Incident Response Plans: Having a clear plan in place minimizes damage and helps businesses recover quickly if an attack does succeed.

Here’s how individuals can protect themselves against phishing attacks:

  • Scrutinize Emails Carefully: Look for typos, unusual sender addresses, and a sense of urgency that pressures you to act without thinking.
  • Hover Over Links: Before clicking, hover your mouse over links to reveal their true destination. Avoid clicking links in emails directly.
  • Utilize Two-Factor Authentication: Enable this wherever possible, adding an extra layer of security to your accounts.
  • Be Wary of Unexpected Requests: Treat any email or text requesting sensitive information or immediate payment with suspicion. Verify requests through a separate channel.

Beyond these defenses, experts recommend a shift in mindset:

  • Assume You’re a Target: No one is immune to phishing. Operating from a healthy level of suspicion is key.
  • When in Doubt, Don’t Click: If something feels off, err on the side of caution. Contact the supposed sender through a trusted method to verify.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: Help protect others by reporting phishing attempts to IT teams, email providers, or relevant authorities.

The fight against phishing is ongoing. Cybercriminals will continue to refine their tactics, making vigilance and proactive cybersecurity measures more essential than ever. By understanding the threat landscape and taking steps to protect themselves, businesses and individuals can reduce the likelihood of falling victim to these pervasive attacks.


  • Don’t let your employees be the weakest link. BBG’s phishing simulations and training build a human firewall against attacks.
  • BBG offers advanced email security solutions to block malicious emails before they reach your inbox.
  • Incident response is critical. BBG can help you develop a plan to minimize damage and recover quickly from phishing breaches.
  • Proactive cybersecurity + informed employees = the best defense against phishing.
  • Contact BBG for tailored solutions.  Email today to schedule a demo!