Deepfakes: A Threat to Truth

AI technology can now generate realistic fake videos and audio, undermining trust.


From Disinformation to Extortion

Deepfakes can be used for political manipulation, reputation damage, and fraud.


The Battle for Verification

Researchers are developing ways to authenticate media and combat deepfakes.

Company Articles > Artificial Intelligence
by Kevin Wood

Deepfakes and the Rise of AI-Generated Deception: A Threat to Truth in the Digital Age



ai generated audio and video
A new threat landscape

In an era where information spreads at the speed of light, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction. Deepfakes, realistic videos and audio recordings fabricated using sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, are blurring the lines between reality and manipulation. What was once the realm of science fiction movies is now a tool that can be harnessed by anyone with the right technical knowledge, posing a serious threat to trust in a world already struggling with disinformation.

To understand the danger of deepfakes, we must first delve into the world of artificial intelligence. AI, in the broadest sense, refers to machines that can mimic cognitive functions typically associated with human minds, such as learning and problem-solving. Machine learning, a subset of AI, involves algorithms that “learn” by being fed massive amounts of data. They can then make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed.

Deepfakes leverage a type of machine learning called deep learning, which employs neural networks, computational structures loosely modeled after the human brain. To create a realistic deepfake video, these neural networks are trained on vast datasets containing images and audio recordings of a target individual. The AI learns to mimic the target’s facial expressions, mannerisms, and even the nuances of their voice. Once trained, the AI can synthesize new, fabricated footage of the target, making them say or do things they never did.

The potential consequences of deepfakes are far-reaching and unsettling:

  • Disinformation Warfare: Deepfakes can be used to spread fabricated political propaganda, sow social discord, and undermine trust in democratic institutions.
  • Reputation Destruction: Individuals can be targeted with deepfakes that portray them engaging in harmful or embarrassing acts, ruining their personal and professional lives.
  • Extortion and Fraud: Deepfakes could be used to create realistic voice recordings of CEOs or other authority figures, facilitating fraudulent wire transfers or other scams.
  • The Erosion of Trust: The mere existence of deepfake technology, even if not widely used, makes people question the authenticity of any piece of media, undermining trust in real news and information sources.

While the dangers are significant, it’s important to note that deepfake technology, like many AI applications, is a double-edged sword. It has potential positive use cases:

  • Entertainment Industry: AI-generated likenesses can be used in films to resurrect deceased actors or de-age performers.
  • Accessibility: Synthesized voices can help individuals who have lost their speech regain the ability to communicate.
  • Historical Reconstruction: Deepfakes may offer a way to create realistic and engaging educational experiences involving historical figures.

However, the malicious potential of deepfake technology demands careful consideration and proactive measures to mitigate the risks.

The fight against deepfakes is an ongoing arms race. As AI techniques for generating fakes advance, researchers are also working on methods to detect them. Current detection tools look for subtle inconsistencies or telltale signs left behind by the AI generation process, such as unnatural blinking patterns or slight distortions around the face’s edges. However, detection is a cat-and-mouse game as the creators of deepfakes continually refine their techniques to evade detection.

The future of AI-generated deception is uncertain and potentially concerning. Advances in AI could make it possible to create convincing deepfakes with minimal effort, requiring only a few short clips of a person’s voice or image. This democratization of the technology could have a destabilizing effect on society. Social media platforms, already facing scrutiny over the spread of misinformation, will bear increased responsibility to identify and remove deepfakes before they go viral.

Mitigating the threat of deepfakes will require a multifaceted approach:

  • Technological Solutions: Continued investment in deepfake detection tools is essential, though it’s unlikely to be foolproof.
  • Media Literacy: Educating the public on how to identify potential deepfakes and to think critically about the information they consume is crucial.
  • Digital Watermarking: Developing a method for embedding verifiable signatures into authentic videos and audio could help establish their provenance.
  • Regulation and Policy: Policymakers may need to consider regulations around the creation and distribution of deepfakes, particularly those with malicious intent.

The rise of deepfakes challenges our fundamental understanding of what constitutes truth in the digital age. While AI has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives positively, it’s imperative that we remain vigilant about its potential misuse. The battle against deceptive media manipulation requires a concerted effort from technology developers, policymakers, and society as a whole to safeguard our trust in a world where seeing and hearing may no longer be enough to believe.

Real-WORLD Consequences: When Deepfakes Go Viral

While the full destructive potential of deepfakes is yet to be realized, several unsettling incidents highlight the ease with which they can be weaponized. In 2019, a manipulated video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, slowed down to make her appear disoriented, was widely shared on social media, providing a stark example of how deepfakes can be used in political disinformation campaigns.

In a different scenario demonstrating the threat to individuals, a deepfake app was used to insert non-consensual pornographic content of women into videos, causing significant reputational and emotional harm to the victims. These instances emphasize the need for urgent action to combat the misuse of deepfake technology.

The Search for Verification and Trust

Developing reliable methods for verifying the authenticity of media is becoming essential in the age of deepfakes. Several approaches are currently being explored:

  • Blockchain-Based Verification: Some platforms are experimenting with using blockchain, a decentralized and tamper-proof digital ledger, to store the provenance and edit history of videos and images. This could help track the origins and any alterations made to media content.
  • Digital Fingerprinting: Embedding unique, invisible watermarks into authentic media files could allow verification tools to check their integrity and identify potential manipulations.
  • Content Analysis: AI-based detection tools can be further refined to analyze videos and audio for subtle inconsistencies that may betray a deepfake. However, this is an ongoing battle as the technology for generating deepfakes also progresses.

Battling Advanced AI: Proving Human Existence

As AI systems become more sophisticated, they may convincingly mimic human behavior, raising fundamental questions about how we can distinguish between real people and advanced bots online. Researchers are exploring several potential methods:

  • Captcha-Style Tests: Evolving beyond distorted text, future captchas could involve tasks that are inherently human, such as recognizing emotions from facial expressions or understanding the nuances of natural language.
  • Biometric Identification: Using fingerprints, voice patterns, or other unique physical identifiers could add a layer of verification increasingly difficult for AI to replicate.
  • Behavioral Analysis: Tracking real-time interactions, such as mouse movements or typing patterns, may reveal subtle anomalies that could distinguish between human users and AI-powered bots.

The fight against deceptive AI is likely to be an ongoing challenge. While solutions like verification and human identification can aid in combating the threat, it’s equally important to foster a culture of critical thinking and media literacy. Being aware of the potential for deepfakes and approaching online information with a healthy dose of skepticism will be essential skills in the digital landscape ahead.


  • Deepfakes are a serious cybersecurity threat. BBG can help you understand and mitigate the risks.
  • Don’t be fooled! BBG offers solutions and training to help identify deepfakes and other AI-generated deceptions.
  • Protect your brand and reputation. BBG’s experts can assess your vulnerability to deepfake attacks.
  • The fight against deepfakes requires technological safeguards and critical thinking. BBG can help with both.
  • Email to schedule a demo with our team.