Coon Rapids Cyber Incident

City services disrupted by a cyberattack, prompting a swift response from IT officials.


Data Security Concerns

Potential compromise of resident data under investigation.


Lessons Learned?

The incident highlights the need for proactive cybersecurity measures for local governments.

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Coon Rapids Cybersecurity Incident: City Services Resume as Investigation Continues



multiple agencies investigating

Coon Rapids, Minnesota, a city of 63,000 residents just north of Minneapolis, faced a cyber incident that briefly disrupted numerous municipal services, prompting a swift response from city officials and cybersecurity experts. While the full extent of the incident and its cause remain under investigation, the city has successfully restored most services and is working to determine the impact on resident data.

The Cyber Incident and Its Impact

On [Date in early June 2024], the City of Coon Rapids detected unusual activity on its computer systems, triggering an immediate response from its Information Technology (IT) department. The incident resulted in the shutdown of various online services, including the city’s website, email systems, and some internal applications used by city employees. This disruption had a cascading effect on several essential services:

  • Online Payments: Residents were unable to make online payments for utilities or other city services, forcing them to rely on in-person or phone payments.
  • Website Access: The city’s website, a primary source of information and resources for residents, was offline for several hours.
  • Internal Operations: The incident hampered communication and workflow for city employees, potentially delaying responses to inquiries and requests for service.

Swift Response and Recovery

The city’s IT department acted swiftly to contain the incident and restore essential services. By working closely with cybersecurity experts and following established incident response protocols, the city was able to bring most systems back online within a few days. While the official cause of the incident has not been disclosed, the city’s response indicates a strong commitment to minimizing disruption and ensuring the continuity of critical services.

Data Security Concerns

The incident has raised concerns about the potential compromise of resident data. The city has not yet released details on the specific types of data that may have been accessed or whether any information was exfiltrated from city systems. However, officials have assured residents that they are working with cybersecurity experts to conduct a thorough forensic investigation and will notify affected individuals if any data is found to have been compromised.

Lessons Learned and Future Precautions

While the full details of the cyber incident are still emerging, the incident serves as a valuable reminder for local governments and organizations of all sizes to prioritize cybersecurity. Coon Rapids officials have acknowledged the need to continually reassess and strengthen their security posture to protect against evolving threats.

Key lessons and recommendations for preventing future incidents include:

  • Proactive Security Measures: Implementing robust security controls, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and multi-factor authentication, can help prevent unauthorized access to systems.
  • Regular Backups: Maintaining offline backups of critical data ensures that information can be recovered quickly and easily in the event of a cyberattack.
  • Employee Training: Regularly training employees on cybersecurity best practices, such as recognizing phishing emails and using strong passwords, can help prevent human error, which is often a factor in successful attacks.
  • Incident Response Planning: Having a well-defined incident response plan in place can streamline the response to a cyberattack, minimizing disruption and accelerating recovery.

While the City of Coon Rapids has demonstrated resilience in the face of this cyber incident, the incident serves as a wake-up call to the importance of ongoing vigilance and proactive cybersecurity measures.


Cybersecurity Resilience for Local Governments (BBG Focus)

The Coon Rapids cyber incident serves as a stark reminder that local governments are not immune to cyber threats. With limited resources and often outdated technology, many municipalities are vulnerable to sophisticated attacks that can disrupt essential services and compromise sensitive data.

BBG understands the unique challenges faced by local governments in securing their systems and data. We offer tailored cybersecurity solutions designed specifically for municipalities, including:

  • Comprehensive Risk Assessments: Identify and prioritize your city’s most critical assets and vulnerabilities.
  • Cybersecurity Training for Government Employees: Equip your staff with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to cyber threats.
  • Managed Security Services: Leverage our 24/7 monitoring and incident response expertise to detect and respond to threats quickly.
  • Cybersecurity Awareness Campaigns: Educate your residents about cybersecurity best practices and how to protect their personal information.

Don’t wait until a cyberattack disrupts your community. Contact BBG today at to build a resilient cybersecurity program for your local government.